Our Time to Lead: Doane University 战略计划 2023-2026
Doane's Future as 的 Premier University in Nebraska
目的- - - - - -
We Build Leaders
十大网络娱乐平台注册的使命是创造独特的教育体验, immersed in the liberal arts, to prepare our students for 职业生涯s and lives grounded in inquiry, 道德, and a commitment to lead and serve in the global community.
愿景- - - - - -
十大网络娱乐平台注册将成为一所以创新为特色的综合性大学, 重视文科和专业研究,以授权和准备学生的生活, 职业生涯, and community engagement.
包含: Doane重视创造一个所有个人和社区都能充分参与的环境, 属于, and thrive in authentic ways.
完整性: 十大网络娱乐平台注册重视道德和有原则的决策,并为自己的行为负责.
创新: Doane重视前瞻性思维以及在协作环境中开发和实施新的或重新构想的想法的能力.
Transformation: Doane 值 enhancing lives and developing potential.
定义- - - - - -
- 目的- - - - - - What we do.
- 使命, Why we exist.
- 愿景- - - - - - What we want to be.
- 值- Approaches for achieving the 任务.
- Goals - What we want to accomplish and why.
- Strategies - How we will accomplish our Goals.
- 策略——完成战略的具体行动和计划(有时限和可衡量的).
- Process - Steps taken to complete the tactics.
- 指标——我们用来衡量目标、战略和战术的成功程度的方法. It may be quantitative or qualitative.
战略计划 Goals and Strategies
Develop and support our academic programs to attract students, immerse them in a liberal arts education, and prepare them for 职业生涯s and life.
- Enhance current academic programming.
- 探索新的课程,以应对新出现的机会和不断变化的学生需求.
- Support students’ academic experiences.
- Equip students for their professional lives.
- 为教职员工提供继续教育和专业发展.
- 加强课外和课外活动,促进学生在课堂之外的成长.
- Emphasize and enhance health & 通过健康的九个维度为十大网络娱乐平台注册社区提供健康(身体), 精神上的, 情感, 社会, 文化, 环境, 金融, 职业, 知识).
- Increase cohesiveness between Student Affairs and Academic Affairs, 内部和外部利益相关者,以促进学生的学业成功.
- 为学生提供机会,以确定和发展他们的个人领导哲学, style and strengths.
Cultivate a thriving Doane community by strengthening equity, 归属感, and engagement for every member.
- Increase the support for our diverse students, 工作人员, 教师, 随着我们的大学社区越来越多地反映社会——通过政策, processes and structures with an intentional focus on inclusion, equity and 访问.
- 继续提供多样化的课程和合作课程,增加参与多样化的机会, 在住宿和非住宿校园以及本科生和研究生之间,为大学学生提供公平和包容.
- 为学生提供全方位的专业发展机会, 教师 and 工作人员, to grow inclusive leadership competencies.
- 继续加强共享治理的最佳实践并使之制度化.
Improve financial 维持ability through enrollment, 收入, 贡献, expense management, and strategic allocation of resources to achieve Doane’s 任务.
- Pursue opportunities for growth in enrollment 收入.
- Pursue opportunities for growth in other 收入.
- Develop and complete the comprehensive campaign.
- Support decision-making through data & 分析包括了解我们的竞争对手和基准,以分配资源和提高成本效益.
- 修改和使用总体规划,战略性地使用设施和维护实物资产.
- Increase brand awareness.
Leverage technology to improve the student experience, increase employee productivity, increase alumni engagement, and position Doane as an educational leader in the digital age.
- Create and invest in an adaptive plan for technology, data analytics, 以及环境可持续性,以解决技术债务并积极影响未来不断变化的需求.
- Ensure privacy, 访问, cyber security, 并且数据治理符合行业标准规则, 规定, and related best practices.
- Emphasize professional development to increase awareness, 利用, and innovation of existing and new technology, 整个系统的, for a digital-first and data-informed culture.
- 制定创新中心规划,使其成为学术和经济发展的动力,创造新的机遇.
Create and strengthen relationships with alumni, community partners, industry leaders, government agencies, 与教育机构实现战略互利的机会.
- Create a shared conversation with our communities to learn from, collaborate with, and deepen relationships and awareness.
- Establish a comprehensive university structure to develop, 协调, 维持, 评估优先考虑社区需求并反映我们所服务的多样化社区的伙伴关系.
Develop and support our academic programs to attract students, immerse them in a liberal arts education, and prepare them for 职业生涯s and life.
- Enhance current academic programming.
- 探索新的课程,以应对新出现的机会和不断变化的学生需求.
- Support students’ academic experiences.
- Equip students for their professional lives.
- 为教职员工提供继续教育和专业发展.
- 加强课外和课外活动,促进学生在课堂之外的成长.
- Emphasize and enhance health & 通过健康的九个维度为十大网络娱乐平台注册社区提供健康(身体), 精神上的, 情感, 社会, 文化, 环境, 金融, 职业, 知识).
- Increase cohesiveness between Student Affairs and Academic Affairs, 内部和外部利益相关者,以促进学生的学业成功.
- 为学生提供机会,以确定和发展他们的个人领导哲学, style and strengths.
Cultivate a thriving Doane community by strengthening equity, 归属感, and engagement for every member.
- Increase the support for our diverse students, 工作人员, 教师, 随着我们的大学社区越来越多地反映社会——通过政策, processes and structures with an intentional focus on inclusion, equity and 访问.
- 继续提供多样化的课程和合作课程,增加参与多样化的机会, 在住宿和非住宿校园以及本科生和研究生之间,为大学学生提供公平和包容.
- 为学生提供全方位的专业发展机会, 教师 and 工作人员, to grow inclusive leadership competencies.
- 继续加强共享治理的最佳实践并使之制度化.
Improve financial 维持ability through enrollment, 收入, 贡献, expense management, and strategic allocation of resources to achieve Doane’s 任务.
- Pursue opportunities for growth in enrollment 收入.
- Pursue opportunities for growth in other 收入.
- Develop and complete the comprehensive campaign.
- Support decision-making through data & 分析包括了解我们的竞争对手和基准,以分配资源和提高成本效益.
- 修改和使用总体规划,战略性地使用设施和维护实物资产.
- Increase brand awareness.
Leverage technology to improve the student experience, increase employee productivity, increase alumni engagement, and position Doane as an educational leader in the digital age.
- Create and invest in an adaptive plan for technology, data analytics, 以及环境可持续性,以解决技术债务并积极影响未来不断变化的需求.
- Ensure privacy, 访问, cyber security, 并且数据治理符合行业标准规则, 规定, and related best practices.
- Emphasize professional development to increase awareness, 利用, and innovation of existing and new technology, 整个系统的, for a digital-first and data-informed culture.
- 制定创新中心规划,使其成为学术和经济发展的动力,创造新的机遇.
Create and strengthen relationships with alumni, community partners, industry leaders, government agencies, 与教育机构实现战略互利的机会.
- Create a shared conversation with our communities to learn from, collaborate with, and deepen relationships and awareness.
- Establish a comprehensive university structure to develop, 协调, 维持, 评估优先考虑社区需求并反映我们所服务的多样化社区的伙伴关系.